(1) "Act of violence" means a willful act of violence committed by a person other than a fellow public school teacher or public school employee.
(2) "Commission" means the Georgia Public School Personnel Indemnification Commission.
(3) "In the line of duty" means while on duty and performing services for and receiving compensation from the public school district which employs such public school teacher or public school employee.
(4) "Permanent disability" means disability due to:
(A) Loss of both eyes or blindness in both eyes with only light perception;
(B) Loss or loss of use of both hands;
(C) Loss or loss of use of both legs;
(D) Loss of a lower extremity or residuals of organic disease or injury which so affect the functions of balance or propulsion as to preclude locomotion without resort to a wheelchair; or
(E) Organic brain damage resulting from direct physical trauma incurred after July 1, 2001, which so affects the mental capacity as to preclude ability to function productively in any employment.
(5) "Public school employee" has the meaning provided by Code Section 20-2-910.
(6) "Public school teacher" has the meaning provided by Code Section 20-2-880.