(a) Any document evidencing certification issued by the board is the property of the board and must be surrendered on demand.
(b) The certificate holder shall display the document evidencing certification in an appropriate and public manner.
(c) The certificate holder shall inform the board of any change of address.
(d) The certificate shall be renewed biennially if the certificate holder is not in violation of this article at the time of application for renewal and if the applicant fulfills current requirements of continuing education as established by the board.
(e) Each person certified under this article is responsible for renewing his or her certificate before the expiration date.
(f) Under procedures and conditions established by the board, a certificate holder may request that his or her certification be declared inactive. The certificate holder may apply for active status at any time and upon meeting the conditions set by the board shall be declared active.
(g) The board shall be authorized to:
(1) Require persons seeking renewal of certification as respiratory care professionals under this article to complete board approved continuing education;
(2) Establish the number of hours of continuing education to be completed as well as the categories in which the continuing education is to be completed; and
(3) Approve courses offered by institutions of higher learning, specialty societies, or professional organizations.