(a) Any person who undergoes acupuncture must consent to such procedure and shall be informed in general terms of the following:
(1) That the practice of acupuncture is based upon the Oriental arts and is completely distinct and different from traditional western medicine;
(2) That the acupuncturist cannot practice medicine, is not making a medical diagnosis of the person's disease or condition, and that such person should see a physician if he or she wants to obtain a medical diagnosis; and
(3) The nature and the purpose of the acupuncture treatment.
(b) The board shall develop a standard informed consent form to be used by persons licensed under this article. Such informed consent form shall include the information set forth in subsection (a) of this Code section as well as any other and additional information the board deems appropriate. The information set forth in the informed consent form shall be in language which is easy to read and readily understandable to the consuming public.