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U.S. State Codes
Title 4 - Animals
Chapter 9 - Biologicals Permits
Chapter 9 - Biologicals Permits
§ 4-9-1. Short title
§ 4-9-2. Definitions
§ 4-9-3. Permits -- Application; issuance; exemptions; posting
§ 4-9-4. Permits -- Transferability; effect of death of permittee
§ 4-9-5. Promulgation of rules and regulations; revocation or suspension of permits, licenses, and certificates
§ 4-9-6. Employment of field agents, clerical help, and other personnel
§ 4-9-7. Prohibited acts
§ 4-9-8. Seizure, destruction, and withholding from sale of adulterated, misbranded, or contaminated biologicals
§ 4-9-9. Injunctions