(a) The Commissioner shall establish a dog and cat reproductive sterilization support program and educational activities in support thereof. The department shall utilize moneys placed in a special fund for such program as derived from special license plate sales, any funds appropriated to the department for such purposes, and any voluntary contributions or other funds made available to the department for such purposes for the implementation, operation, and support of such reproductive sterilization program. The Commissioner is authorized to promulgate rules to direct and administer the dog and cat reproductive sterilization support program and to carry out this Code section.
(b) The Commissioner shall submit a report to the Senate Agriculture and Consumer Affairs Committee and the House Committee on Agriculture and Consumer Affairs detailing the receipts of and expenditures from the dog and cat reproductive sterilization support program fund. Such report shall be made not later than the last day of August each year.
(1) Unless an earlier date is deemed feasible and established by the Governor, each Georgia income tax return form for taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2006, shall contain appropriate language, to be determined by the state revenue commissioner, offering the taxpayer the opportunity to contribute to the Dog and Cat Sterilization Fund established in subsection (a) of this Code section by either donating all or any part of any tax refund due, by authorizing a reduction in the refund check otherwise payable, or by contributing any amount over and above any amount of tax owed by adding that amount to the taxpayer's payment. The instructions accompanying the income tax return form shall contain a description of the purposes for which this fund was established and the intended use of moneys received from the contributions. Each taxpayer required to file a state income tax return who desires to contribute to the Dog and Cat Sterilization Fund may designate such contribution as provided in this Code section on the appropriate income tax return form.
(2) The Department of Revenue shall determine annually the total amount so contributed, shall withhold therefrom a reasonable amount for administering this voluntary contribution program, and shall transmit the balance to the Department of Agriculture for deposit in the Dog and Cat Sterilization Fund established in subsection (a) of this Code section; provided, however, the amount retained for administrative costs shall not exceed $50,000.00 per year. If, in any tax year, the administrative costs of the Department of Revenue for collecting contributions pursuant to this subsection exceed the sum of such contributions, the administrative costs which the Department of Revenue is authorized to withhold from such contributions shall not exceed the sum of such contributions.