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U.S. State Codes
Title 36 - Local Government
Provisions Applicable to Mu...
Chapter 35 - Home Rule Powers
Chapter 35 - Home Rule Powers
§ 36-35-1. Short title
§ 36-35-2. Incorporation, dissolution, merger, and boundary changes by local Act or under general law; annexation of deannexed property
§ 36-35-3. Adoption of ordinances, rules, and regulations; amendment of charters and amendment or repeal of ordinances, rules, and regulations by petition and referendum
§ 36-35-4. Compensation and benefits for employees and members of governing authority; conditions and requirements governing increases for elective members of governing authority
§ 36-35-4.1. Reapportionment of election districts for municipal elections
§ 36-35-5. Filing of charter amendments or revisions, notices, and affidavits; publication and distribution of amendments and revisions by Secretary of State
§ 36-35-6. Limitations on home rule powers
§ 36-35-6.1. Signs for privately owned businesses
§ 36-35-7. Provisions of chapter general law; enactment of local or special laws on subject matters covered by chapter; effect of chapter upon amendment of municipal charters
§ 36-35-8. Effect of conflict with Chapter 34