(a) No county shall require any person who performs services on his property or on private property pursuant to an agreement with an individual, corporation, partnership, association, or other private entity to purchase from the county any materials used in the construction or repair of any water system, sewer system, storm or drainage system, building, or other facilities on such property. Any county which sells such materials used in the construction of such facilities shall be required to publish the acceptable manufacturing or engineering standards of such materials sold by the county and such other materials, if any, which the county finds acceptable for the construction of such facilities. In the construction of any such facility, the use by any person or other entity of materials which are not purchased from the county shall not render any such facility or project ineligible for acceptance as a public right of way or utility project if the materials used meet the acceptable standards published by the county.
(b) Nothing in this Code section shall affect the authority of a county to enact building, construction, electrical, fire, or other codes which require materials used in the construction or repair of water systems, sewer systems, storm or drainage systems, buildings, or other facilities to meet or satisfy certain standards.
(c) Any county officer or employee who, without sufficient cause, refuses to accept as a public right of way or utility project any water and sewer system or other facility constructed with acceptable materials not purchased from the county shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
(d) Upon the final conviction of any county officer or employee of violating subsection (c) of this Code section, the employment of such officer or employee by the county shall immediately be terminated.