(a) This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the "Georgia Development Impact Fee Act."
(b) The General Assembly finds that an equitable program for planning and financing public facilities needed to serve new growth and development is necessary in order to promote and accommodate orderly growth and development and to protect the public health, safety, and general welfare of the citizens of the State of Georgia. It is the intent of this chapter to:
(1) Ensure that adequate public facilities are available to serve new growth and development;
(2) Promote orderly growth and development by establishing uniform standards by which municipalities and counties may require that new growth and development pay a proportionate share of the cost of new public facilities needed to serve new growth and development;
(3) Establish minimum standards for the adoption of development impact fee ordinances by municipalities and counties; and
(4) Ensure that new growth and development is required to pay no more than its proportionate share of the cost of public facilities needed to serve new growth and development and to prevent duplicate and ad hoc development exactions.