Limited-access roads may be so designed as to regulate, restrict, or prohibit access thereto so as to best serve the traffic for which such facility is intended. The authority designating and establishing any limited-access road is authorized to divide and separate such highway into separate roadways by the construction of raised curbings, central dividing sections, or other physical separations or by designating such separate roadways by signs, markers, or stripes; to designate the proper lanes for traffic moving in opposite directions; and to prohibit the making of turns at specified points. The designating authority may recommend to the commissioner of public safety or, if the roads in question are in a municipality, to the municipality that there be fixed on such roads and on the separate lanes thereof such rates of speed as are deemed in the public interest. No person shall have any right of ingress to or egress from or passage across any limited-access road to or from abutting lands except at the designated points to which access may be permitted and under such arrangements and conditions as may be specified from time to time.