(a) The department shall promulgate uniform regulations governing the erection and maintenance on the public roads of Georgia of signs, signals, markings, or other traffic-control devices, such uniform regulations to supplement and be consistent with the laws of this state. Insofar as practical, with due regard to the needs of the public roads of Georgia, such uniform regulations shall conform to the recommended regulations as approved by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials.
(b) In conformity with its uniform regulations, the department shall place and maintain, or cause to be placed and maintained, such traffic-control devices upon the public roads of the state highway system as it shall deem necessary to regulate, warn, or guide traffic, except that the department shall place and maintain a sign for each railroad crossing at grade on the state highway system, warning motorists of such crossing, provided that each railroad company shall also erect and maintain a railroad crossbuck sign on its right of way at every such crossing. The department may remove or direct removal of all traffic-control devices and signs which are erected on the state highway system by any governing authority without the permission of the department.
(c) In conformity with the uniform regulations of the department:
(1) Counties and municipalities shall place and maintain upon the public roads of their respective public road systems such traffic-control devices as are necessary to regulate, warn, or guide traffic except that counties and municipalities also shall erect and maintain a sign for each railroad crossing at grade on their respective county road or municipal street systems, warning motorists of such crossing. Furthermore, each railroad company shall erect and maintain a railroad crossbuck sign on its right of way at all such crossings; and
(2) Counties, on their respective road systems, shall place and maintain on each county road which is authorized as a designated local truck route, pursuant to official resolution of the county, at each intersection of such road with a state highway signs identifying such county road as a designated local truck route and giving notice of the maximum weight limits for such designated local truck route in accordance with subsection (f) of Code Section 32-6-26.
(d) It shall be unlawful for any person to remove, deface, or damage in any way any official traffic-control device lawfully erected or maintained pursuant to this Code section or any other law.
(e) No person, firm, corporation, or other entity shall offer for sale any sign, signal, marking, or other device intended to regulate, warn, or guide traffic upon the public roads of this state, unless it conforms with the uniform regulations promulgated under subsection (a) of this Code section. Any person, firm, corporation, or other entity who sells any sign, signal, marking, or other device intended to regulate, warn, or guide traffic upon the public roads of this state in violation of this Code section shall make restitution to the purchaser in an amount equal to the entire sum, plus interest, originally paid for the sign, signal, marking, or other device. Any person, firm, corporation, or other entity who knowingly sells any sign, signal, marking, or other device intended to regulate, warn, or guide traffic upon the public roads of this state in violation of subsection (a) of this Code section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.