After being furnished the required records check applications under Code Section 31-7-252, the department shall notify in writing the license applicant as to each person for whom an application was received regarding whether the department's determination as to that person's preliminary records check was satisfactory or unsatisfactory. If the preliminary records check determination was satisfactory as to the director of the facility, that applicant may be issued a temporary license for that facility if the applicant otherwise qualifies for a license under Article 1 of this chapter. If the determination was unsatisfactory as to the director of the facility, the applicant shall designate another director for that facility after receiving notification of the determination and proceed under Code Section 31-7-252 and this Code section to obtain a preliminary records check for that newly designated director. The applicant may not be issued a temporary license for that facility until the department has determined under the procedures of Code Section 31-7-252 and this Code section that the director has a satisfactory preliminary records check determination.