(a) This chapter shall not apply to ethyl alcohol intended for use or used for the following purposes:
(1) For scientific, chemical, mechanical, industrial, medicinal, and culinary purposes;
(2) For use by those authorized to procure ethyl alcohol tax free, as provided by federal law;
(3) In the manufacture of denatured alcohol or denatured distilled spirits produced and used as provided by federal law;
(4) In the manufacture of patented, patent, proprietary, medicinal, pharmaceutical, antiseptic, toilet, scientific, chemical, mechanical, and industrial preparations or products unfit for beverage purposes; or
(5) In the manufacture of flavoring extracts and syrups unfit for beverage purposes.
(b) Nothing contained in subsection (a) of this Code section shall prohibit the commissioner from promulgating reasonable rules and regulations with regard to ethyl alcohol intended for use or used for any of the above-mentioned purposes in order to ensure proper enforcement of this title.