(a) As used in this Code section, the term:
(1) "Member" means any person whose membership application has been approved by the social club, which membership shall not become effective for purposes of purchasing alcoholic beverages less than five days following both approval and payment of the membership initiation fee.
(2) "On-premises consumption" means consumption on the property of the social club including the club house, golf course, and other outside recreational facilities of the club. Sales of alcoholic beverages for on-premises consumption shall be made only by authorized charge to a member's account or to a major credit card. There shall be no cash sales of alcoholic beverages.
(1) Upon the establishment of a residential community development district as provided in Code Section 3-12-2, each county which encompasses such a district, through proper resolution or ordinance, may authorize the issuance of licenses to sell alcoholic beverages by the drink for consumption on the premises within a community development district. Each such governing authority shall have full power and authority to adopt all reasonable rules and regulations governing the qualifications and criteria for the issuance of any such licenses and shall further have the power and authority to promulgate reasonable rules and regulations governing the conduct of any licensee provided for in this subsection.
(2) No resolution or ordinance adopted pursuant to paragraph (1) of this subsection shall become effective until the governing authority of the county submits to the qualified electors of the voting precinct wherein the residential community development district is located the question of whether the ordinance or resolution shall be approved or rejected. If in the election, a majority of the electors voting on the question vote for approval, the ordinance or resolution shall become effective at such time as is provided for in the resolution or ordinance; otherwise, it shall be of no force and effect.
(3) The county governing authority shall establish the date of the election, which shall be not less than 30 days after the call of the election, and shall notify the county election superintendent of its decision as to the date. The election superintendent shall issue the call for the election and shall specify that the election shall be held on the date determined by the county governing authority. The election superintendent shall cause the date and purpose of the election to be published once a week for two weeks immediately preceding the date thereof in the official organ of the county. The ballot shall have written or printed thereon the following:
spirits by the drink to certain resi-
[ ] NO dential community development districts be approved?"
Those persons desiring to vote in favor of issuance of the licenses shall vote "Yes" and those persons opposed to issuance of the licenses shall vote "No." If more than one-half of the votes cast on the question are in favor of issuance of the licenses, then the licenses may be issued in accordance with paragraph (1) of this subsection; otherwise, the licenses may not be issued. The question of the issuance of the licenses may not again be submitted to the voters of the precinct within 24 months immediately following the month in which such election was held. The county election superintendent shall hold and conduct the election under the same rules and regulations as govern special elections. He or she shall canvass the returns and declare and certify the result of the election to the Secretary of State and to the commissioner. The expense of any such elections shall be borne by the county wherein the election was held.
(1) Upon being licensed by the county governing authority, a residential community development district shall then apply to the commissioner for the appropriate state license and shall be subject to all state licensing requirements.
(2) Upon being licensed by the county governing authority and the commissioner, alcoholic beverages may be sold by the social club of the district to members and their guests for on-premises consumption only.
(3) The social club shall be licensed to sell alcoholic beverages to its members and their guests pursuant to such regulations as the county governing authority may deem necessary for the proper enforcement of this chapter.
(4) The original application for licensure by the county governing authority shall be accompanied by a certificate from the board of control of the district in which the social club is located consenting to and approving the sale of alcoholic beverages at the club.