(a) The superintendent may upon his or her own motion direct the board of registrars to investigate the division or redivision of a precinct into two or more precincts, or the alteration of the bounds of any precinct, or the formation of one or more precincts out of two or more existing precincts or parts thereof or the consolidation of adjoining precincts. The board of registrars shall make a full investigation of the facts and shall promptly report to the superintendent its findings and recommendations as to the division, redivision, alteration, formation, or consolidation of the precincts. If the board of registrars shall find that a division, redivision, alteration, formation, or consolidation of precincts will promote the convenience of the electors and the public interests, it shall recommend a proper division, redivision, alteration, formation, or consolidation of precincts which conforms to the requirements of subsection (a) of Code Section 21-2-261.1 and shall accompany its report with a map, plat, or draft of the new election precinct or precincts proposed by it.
(a.1) Upon the petition of 20 electors or of the county executive committee of a political party to the superintendent of the county, praying for the division or redivision of a precinct into two or more precincts, or for the alteration of the bounds of any precinct, or for the formation of one or more precincts out of two or more existing precincts or parts thereof, or for the consolidation of adjoining precincts, the superintendent shall refer such petition to the board of registrars, which shall make a full investigation of the facts and shall promptly report to the superintendent its findings and recommendations as to the division, redivision, alteration, formation, or consolidation of the precincts prayed for. If the board of registrars shall find that a division, redivision, alteration, formation, or consolidation of precincts will promote the convenience of the electors and the public interests, it shall recommend a proper division, redivision, alteration, formation, or consolidation of precincts which conforms to the requirements of subsection (a) of Code Section 21-2-261.1 and shall accompany its report with a map, plat, or draft of the new election precinct or precincts proposed by it. Such petitions may specify the boundaries desired by the petitioners and may be accompanied by a map setting forth such boundaries.
(b) The board of registrars may also petition the superintendent for the division or redivision of any precinct into two or more precincts, or for the alteration of the bounds of any precinct, or for the formation of one or more precincts out of two or more existing precincts or parts thereof, or for the consolidation of adjoining precincts, accompanying its petition by a description of the proposed new precincts and by a map, plat, or draft thereof.
(c) Upon the presentation of any such petition by the board of registrars or upon the filing by the board of its report and recommendations as to any investigation presented under subsection (a) of this Code section, the superintendent may make such order for the division, redivision, alteration, formation, or consolidation of precincts as will, in the superintendent's opinion, promote the convenience of electors and the public interests; provided, however, that the superintendent shall not make any final order for the division, redivision, alteration, formation, or consolidation of precincts until at least ten days after notice of such change shall have been advertised in the legal organ of the county. Such notice shall state briefly the division, redivision, alteration, formation, or consolidation of precincts recommended by the board of registrars and the date upon which the same will be considered by the superintendent and shall contain a warning that any person objecting thereto must file his or her objections with the superintendent prior to such date. Upon the making of any such final order by the superintendent, a copy thereof shall be certified by the superintendent to the board of registrars.
(d) In any county having a population of more than 250,000 according to the United States decennial census of 1970 or any such future census, the powers and duties conferred upon the superintendent by this Code section and Code Sections 21-2-261 and 21-2-261.1 shall be exercised and performed by the governing authority of the county.