(a) The board of registrars of each county or municipality shall have the right and shall be charged with the duty of examining from time to time the qualifications of each elector of the county or municipality whose name is entered upon the list of electors and shall not be limited or estopped by any action previously taken.
(b) For the purpose of determining the qualification or disqualification of applicants and electors, the board of registrars may, upon at least three days' notice, require the production of books, papers, and other material and, upon like notice, may subpoena witnesses. The board may swear any witness appearing before it. If the registrars shall differ among themselves upon any question coming before them, the concurrent votes of a majority of the registrars shall control.
(c) The sheriff, any deputy sheriff, or any lawful constable of such county or peace officer of such municipality shall serve all summonses, notices, and subpoenas issued by such registrars and placed in the hands of any such official. Such official shall receive such compensation as is provided for like services in the superior court. In case of the refusal of any person subpoenaed to attend or testify, such fact shall be reported immediately by the registrars to the appropriate superior court, or to a judge thereof, and such court or judge shall order such witness to attend and testify; and, on failure or refusal to obey such order, such witness shall be dealt with as for contempt. Any witness so subpoenaed, and after attending, shall be allowed and paid the same mileage and fee as allowed and paid witnesses in civil actions in the superior court.
(d) If the right of any person to remain on the list of electors is questioned by the registrars, they shall give such person at least three days' written notice of the date, time, and place of a hearing to determine such right which shall be served upon such person either by first-class mail addressed to the mailing address shown on the person's voter registration records or in the manner provided in subsection (c) of this Code section for other notices.
(e) If, after conducting a hearing, the registrars find that the elector is not qualified to remain on the list of electors, the registrars shall remove the name of such elector from the list of electors. The elector shall be notified of such decision in writing either by first-class mail addressed to the mailing address shown on the person's voter registration records or in the manner provided in subsection (c) of this Code section for other notices.
(f) An elector whose name is removed from the list of electors in accordance with this Code section shall have a right of appeal of such decision to the superior court of the county by filing a petition with the clerk of the superior court within ten days after the date of the decision of the registrars. A copy of such petition shall be served upon the registrars. Unless and until the decision of the registrars is reversed by the court, the decision of the registrars shall stand.