(a) The Secretary of State shall design, publish, and distribute voter registration application forms with which a person may apply to register to vote by completing and mailing the form to the Secretary of State or to the board of registrars of the person's county of residence. The Secretary of State shall forward the applications that he or she receives to the appropriate county board of registrars to determine the eligibility of the applicant and, if found eligible, to add the applicant's name to the list of electors and to place the applicant in the correct precinct and voting districts.
(b) The county boards of registrars shall obtain and maintain a supply of mail voter registration application forms for distribution and for voter registration. In addition, each state, county, and municipal office, except an office which is a designated voter registration office under Code Section 21-2-222, which has regular contact with the public shall obtain a supply of mail voter registration application forms from the Secretary of State and make such applications available for use by citizens to register to vote.
(c) The mail voter registration application forms shall be made available through governmental and private entities with particular emphasis on making such forms available for organized voter registration programs.