(a) Any person knowingly making any false statement in connection with filing a notice of candidacy under Code Section 21-2-132 or in connection with qualifying as a candidate for party nomination under Code Section 21-2-153 commits the offense of false swearing.
(b) The district attorney of any judicial circuit or of the county in which all or the greater portion of any municipality is situated shall furnish all investigative personnel and facilities to the Secretary of State, the superintendent, or political party, as the case may be, as needed to determine the accuracy and correctness of all facts set forth in the affidavits filed pursuant to Code Sections 21-2-132 and 21-2-153 and shall commence prosecution of any person when it appears that a violation of this Code section has occurred.
(c) Where proper venue of any such prosecution would be in another county, the district attorney whose office conducted the investigation shall forward all evidence and other data to the district attorney of the county where venue is proper; and prosecution shall be commenced by such official.