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U.S. State Codes
Title 21 - Elections
Chapter 2 - Elections and P...
Article 11 - Preparation fo...
Part 2 - Precincts Using Paper Ballots
Part 2 - Precincts Using Paper Ballots
§ 21-2-430. Opening of ballot boxes; destruction of irrelevant materials; locking of ballot box; public breaking of seals; instruction cards and notices of penalties
§ 21-2-431. Execution of voter's certificate; procedure upon qualification of elector; elector unable to sign name; voting outside precinct of residence; registration as prerequisite to voting
§ 21-2-432. Voter's certificate binder as constituting official list of electors; separate preservation and disposition of refused applications
§ 21-2-433. Admission of electors to enclosed space; detachment of ballots from stubs and distribution of ballots to electors; return of canceled ballots to superintendent
§ 21-2-434. Restrictions as to removal of ballots from book or polling place; deposit of official ballots in box; disposition of unofficial ballots
§ 21-2-435. Procedure as to marking and depositing of ballots
§ 21-2-436. Duties of poll officers after the close of the polls
§ 21-2-437. Procedure as to count and return of votes generally; void ballots
§ 21-2-438. Ballots identifying voter, not marked, or improperly marked declared void
§ 21-2-439. Decisions concerning questionable marks or defaced or mutilated ballots
§ 21-2-440. Duty of poll officers to sign general returns; posting of copy of returns; delivery of copy of materials to superintendent