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U.S. State Codes
Title 21 - Elections
Chapter 2 - Elections and P...
Article 11 - Preparation fo...
Part 1 - General Provisions
Part 1 - General Provisions
§ 21-2-400. Duty of superintendent to obtain cards of instruction, blank forms of oaths, and other forms and supplies; preparation and distribution of sample or facsimile ballot labels
§ 21-2-401. Delivery of forms and supplies to precincts; distribution of copy of certified electors list; contents of list; authentication; return receipts; master list of county or municipal electors; items to be provided at polling place
§ 21-2-402. Preparation of voter's certificates by Secretary of State; form of certificates; binders for certificates; other voter's certificates
§ 21-2-403. Time for opening and closing of polls
§ 21-2-404. Affording employees time off to vote
§ 21-2-405. Meeting of poll officers at place of primary or election; oaths; failure of poll officer to appear; custodians of voting materials; temporary absence or disability; poll workers working less than entire day
§ 21-2-406. Public performance of duties by officials
§ 21-2-407. Duty of registrars to review qualifications of electors who may have been erroneously omitted from list of electors; authority to place such electors on the list
§ 21-2-408. Poll watchers; designation; duties; removal for interference with election; reports by poll watchers of infractions or irregularities; ineligibility of candidates to serve as poll watchers
§ 21-2-409. Assisting electors who cannot read English or who have disabilities
§ 21-2-409.1. Voting by electors who are 75 years of age or older or disabled electors without having to wait in line
§ 21-2-410. Poll officers authorized to give instructions to electors upon request
§ 21-2-411. Return of checked list of electors and voter's certificates to superintendent; disposition of list and certificates by registrars
§ 21-2-412. Duties of superior courts on days of primaries and elections
§ 21-2-413. Conduct of voters, campaigners, and others at polling places generally
§ 21-2-414. Restrictions on campaign activities and public opinion polling within the vicinity of a polling place; cellular phone use prohibited; prohibition of candidates from entering certain polling places; penalty
§ 21-2-415. Requirements as to identification of campaign literature; unauthorized use of another's name in connection with campaign material; penalty
§ 21-2-416. Methods of casting ballots in elections utilizing paper ballots or vote recorders
§ 21-2-417. Presentation of identification to poll workers; form of proper identification; swearing of statement when unable to produce proper identification; provisional ballots for those; penalty for false statement under oath
§ 21-2-417.1. Voter identification card
§ 21-2-418. Provisional ballots
§ 21-2-419. Validation of provisional ballots; reporting to Secretary of State