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U.S. State Codes
Title XXXVII - Insurance
Chapter 631 - Insurer Insol...
Part V - Florida Workers’ Compensation Insuranc...
Part V - Florida Workers’ Compensation Insurance Guaranty Association (Ss. 631.901-631.932)
631.901 - Title.
631.902 - Purposes.
631.903 - Construction.
631.904 - Definitions.
631.911 - Creation of the Florida Workers’ Compensation Insurance Guaranty Association, Incorporated; merger; effect of merger.
631.912 - Board of directors.
631.913 - Powers and duties of the corporation.
631.914 - Assessments.
631.916 - Plan of operation.
631.917 - Prevention of insolvencies.
631.918 - Immunity.
631.919 - Prohibited advertisement of solicitation.
631.921 - Department powers.
631.922 - Liability of members of an impaired self-insurance fund for unpaid claims.
631.923 - Effect of paid claims.
631.924 - Stay of proceedings; reopening of default judgments.
631.926 - Attorney’s fees.
631.927 - Assumption of liability.
631.928 - Florida Workers’ Compensation Insurance Guaranty Association Account.
631.929 - Election of remedies.
631.931 - Reports and recommendations by board; public records exemption.
631.932 - Negotiations; public meetings and records exemptions.