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U.S. State Codes
Title XXXVII - Insurance
Chapter 627 - Insurance Rat...
Part IV - Industrial Life Insurance Policies (S...
Part IV - Industrial Life Insurance Policies (Ss. 627.501-627.522)
627.501 - Scope of this part.
627.502 - “Industrial life insurance” defined; reporting.
627.503 - Required provisions.
627.504 - Grace period.
627.5045 - Secondary notice.
627.505 - Entire contract; statements in application.
627.506 - Incontestability.
627.507 - Misstatement of age or sex.
627.508 - Dividends.
627.509 - Reinstatement.
627.510 - Settlement on proof of death.
627.511 - Authority to alter contract.
627.512 - Beneficiary.
627.513 - Facility of payment.
627.514 - Nonforfeiture benefits; certain interim policies.
627.515 - Title of industrial life insurance policy.
627.516 - Advance payment of premiums.
627.517 - Conversion.
627.521 - Disclosure statements.
627.522 - Policy requirements and prohibitions.