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U.S. State Codes
Title XXXVII - Insurance
Chapter 627 - Insurance Rat...
Part I - Rates and Rating Organizations (Ss. 62...
Part I - Rates and Rating Organizations (Ss. 627.011-627.381)
627.011 - Short title.
627.021 - Scope of this part.
627.031 - Purposes of this part; interpretation.
627.041 - Definitions.
627.0612 - Administrative proceedings in rating determinations.
627.0613 - Consumer advocate.
627.062 - Rate standards.
627.0621 - Transparency in rate regulation.
627.0625 - Commercial property and casualty risk management plans.
627.0628 - Florida Commission on Hurricane Loss Projection Methodology; public records exemption; public meetings exemption.
627.06281 - Public hurricane loss projection model; reporting of data by insurers.
627.0629 - Residential property insurance; rate filings.
627.06291 - Excess profits of residential property insurer; return.
627.06292 - Reports of hurricane loss data and associated exposure data; public records exemption.
627.0645 - Annual filings.
627.06501 - Insurance discounts for certain persons completing driver improvement course.
627.0651 - Making and use of rates for motor vehicle insurance.
627.0652 - Insurance discounts for certain persons completing safety course.
627.0653 - Insurance discounts for specified motor vehicle equipment.
627.06535 - Electric vehicles; restrictions on imposing surcharges.
627.0654 - Insurance discounts for buildings with fire sprinklers.
627.0655 - Policyholder loss or expense-related premium discounts.
627.066 - Excessive profits for motor vehicle insurance prohibited.
627.0665 - Automatic bank withdrawal agreements; notification required.
627.072 - Making and use of rates.
627.091 - Rate filings; workers’ compensation and employer’s liability insurances.
627.0915 - Rate filings; workers’ compensation, drug-free workplace, and safe employers.
627.0916 - Agricultural horse farms.
627.092 - Workers’ Compensation Administrator.
627.093 - Application of s. 286.011 to workers’ compensation and employer’s liability insurances.
627.096 - Workers’ Compensation Rating Bureau.
627.101 - When filing becomes effective; workers’ compensation and employer’s liability insurances.
627.111 - Effective date of filing.
627.141 - Subsequent disapproval of filing; workers’ compensation and employer’s liability insurances.
627.151 - Basis of approval or disapproval of workers’ compensation or employer’s liability insurance filing; scope of disapproval power.
627.1615 - Workers’ compensation applicant discrimination.
627.162 - Requirements for premium installments; delinquency, collection, and check return charges; attorney’s fees.
627.171 - Excess rates.
627.191 - Adherence to filings; workers’ compensation and employer’s liability insurances.
627.192 - Workers’ compensation insurance; employee leasing arrangements.
627.211 - Deviations; workers’ compensation and employer’s liability insurances.
627.212 - Workplace safety program surcharge.
627.215 - Excessive profits for commercial property and commercial casualty insurance prohibited.
627.221 - Rating organizations; licensing; fee.
627.231 - Subscribers to rating organizations.
627.241 - Notice of changes.
627.251 - Bureau rules not to affect dividends.
627.261 - Actuarial and technical services.
627.281 - Appeal from rating organization; workers’ compensation and employer’s liability insurance filings.
627.285 - Independent actuarial peer review of workers’ compensation rating organization.
627.291 - Information to be furnished insureds; appeal by insureds; workers’ compensation and employer’s liability insurances.
627.301 - Advisory organizations.
627.311 - Joint underwriters and joint reinsurers; public records and public meetings exemptions.
627.312 - Transitional provisions.
627.3121 - Public records and public meetings exemptions.
627.313 - Workers’ Compensation Joint Underwriting Plan; audit requirements.
627.314 - Concerted action by two or more insurers.
627.318 - Records.
627.331 - Recording and reporting of loss, expense, and claims experience; rating information.
627.351 - Insurance risk apportionment plans.
627.3511 - Depopulation of Citizens Property Insurance Corporation.
627.3512 - Recoupment of residual market deficit assessments.
627.3513 - Standards for sale of bonds by Citizens Property Insurance Corporation.
627.3515 - Market assistance plan; property and casualty risks.
627.3517 - Consumer choice.
627.3518 - Citizens Property Insurance Corporation policyholder eligibility clearinghouse program.
627.35191 - Required reports.
627.35193 - Consumer reporting agency request for claims data from Citizens Property Insurance Corporation.
627.352 - Security of data and information technology in Citizens Property Insurance Corporation.
627.357 - Medical malpractice self-insurance.
627.361 - False or misleading information.
627.371 - Hearings.
627.381 - Penalty for violation.