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U.S. State Codes
Title XXXVII - Insurance
Chapter 625 - Accounting, I...
Part I - Assets and Liabilities (Ss. 625.01115-...
Part I - Assets and Liabilities (Ss. 625.01115-625.181)
625.01115 - Definitions.
625.012 - “Assets” defined.
625.031 - Assets not allowed.
625.041 - Liabilities, in general.
625.051 - Unearned premium reserve.
625.061 - Unearned premium reserve for marine and transportation insurance.
625.071 - Special reserve for bail and judicial bonds.
625.081 - Reserve for health insurance.
625.091 - Losses and loss adjustment expense reserves; liability insurance and workers’ compensation insurance.
625.101 - Increase of inadequate loss reserves.
625.111 - Title insurance reserve.
625.121 - Standard Valuation Law; life insurance.
625.1212 - Valuation of policies and contracts issued on or after the operative date of the valuation manual.
625.1214 - Use of confidential information.
625.141 - Valuation of bonds.
625.151 - Valuation of other securities.
625.161 - Valuation of property.
625.171 - Valuation of purchase money mortgages.
625.172 - Replacing certain assets; reporting certain liabilities.
625.181 - Assets received as capital or surplus contributions.