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U.S. State Codes
Title XXXIX - Commercial Re...
Chapter 674 - Uniform Comme...
Part I - General Provisions and Definitions (Ss...
Part I - General Provisions and Definitions (Ss. 674.101-674.111)
674.101 - Short title.
674.102 - Applicability.
674.103 - Variation by agreement; measure of damages; action constituting ordinary care.
674.104 - Definitions and index of definitions.
674.105 - “Bank”; “depositary bank”; “payor bank”; “intermediary bank”; “collecting bank”; “presenting bank.”
674.1061 - Payable through or payable at bank; collecting bank.
674.1071 - Separate office of bank.
674.1081 - Time of receipt of items.
674.1091 - Delays.
674.1101 - Electronic presentment.
674.111 - Statute of limitations.