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U.S. State Codes
Title XXXIX - Commercial Re...
Chapter 673 - Uniform Comme...
Part I - General Provisions and Definitions (Ss...
Part I - General Provisions and Definitions (Ss. 673.1011-673.1191)
673.1011 - Short title.
673.1021 - Subject matter.
673.1031 - Definitions.
673.1041 - Negotiable instrument.
673.1051 - Issue of instrument.
673.1061 - Unconditional promise or order.
673.1071 - Instrument payable in foreign money.
673.1081 - Payable on demand or at definite time.
673.1091 - Payable to bearer or to order.
673.1101 - Identification of person to whom instrument is payable.
673.1111 - Place of payment.
673.1121 - Interest.
673.1131 - Date of instrument.
673.1141 - Contradictory terms of instrument.
673.1151 - Incomplete instrument.
673.1161 - Joint and several liability; contribution.
673.1171 - Other agreements affecting instrument.
673.1181 - Statute of limitations.
673.1191 - Notice of right to defend action.