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U.S. State Codes
Title XXXIII - Regulation o...
Chapter 501 - Consumer Prot...
Part IV - Florida Telemarketing Act (Ss. 501.60...
Part IV - Florida Telemarketing Act (Ss. 501.601-501.626)
501.601 - Short title.
501.602 - Purpose.
501.603 - Definitions.
501.604 - Exemptions.
501.605 - Licensure of commercial telephone sellers and entities providing substance abuse marketing services.
501.606 - Disclosures required of commercial telephone sellers and entities providing substance abuse marketing services.
501.607 - Licensure of salespersons.
501.608 - License or affidavit of exemption; occupational license.
501.609 - License renewal.
501.611 - Security.
501.612 - Grounds for departmental action against licensure applicants or licensees.
501.613 - General disclosures.
501.614 - Disclosures of gifts and premiums.
501.615 - Written contract; cancellation; refund.
501.616 - Unlawful acts and practices.
501.617 - Investigative powers of enforcing authority.
501.6175 - Recordkeeping.
501.618 - General civil remedies.
501.619 - Civil penalties.
501.621 - Attorney’s fees and costs.
501.622 - Criminal prosecuting authority.
501.623 - Criminal penalties.
501.624 - Exempt businesses; burden of proof.
501.625 - Other individual remedies.
501.626 - Rulemaking power.