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U.S. State Codes
Title XXXIII - Regulation o...
Chapter 499 - Florida Drug ...
Part III - Medical Gas (Ss. 499.81-499.94)
Part III - Medical Gas (Ss. 499.81-499.94)
499.81 - Administration and enforcement.
499.82 - Definitions.
499.83 - Permits.
499.831 - Permit application.
499.832 - Expiration and renewal of a permit.
499.833 - Permitholder changes.
499.834 - Minimum qualifications.
499.84 - Minimum requirements for the storage and handling of medical gases.
499.85 - Security.
499.86 - Examination of materials.
499.87 - Returned, damaged, and outdated medical gas.
499.88 - Due diligence.
499.89 - Recordkeeping.
499.90 - Policies and procedures.
499.91 - Prohibited acts.
499.92 - Criminal acts.
499.93 - Inspections.
499.931 - Trade secret information.
499.94 - Fees.