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U.S. State Codes
Title XXVIII - Natural Reso...
Chapter 380 - Land and Wate...
Part III - Florida Communities Trust (Ss. 380.5...
Part III - Florida Communities Trust (Ss. 380.501-380.515)
380.501 - Short title.
380.502 - Legislative findings and intent.
380.503 - Definitions.
380.504 - Florida Communities Trust; creation; membership; expenses.
380.505 - Meetings; quorum; voting.
380.506 - Support services.
380.507 - Powers of the trust.
380.508 - Projects; development, review, and approval.
380.510 - Conditions of grants and loans.
380.5105 - The Stan Mayfield Working Waterfronts; Florida Forever program.
380.512 - Annual report.
380.513 - Corporate existence.
380.514 - Inconsistent provisions of other laws superseded.
380.515 - Construction.