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U.S. State Codes
Title XXVIII - Natural Reso...
Chapter 377 - Energy Resources
Part II - Planning and Development (Ss. 377.601...
Part II - Planning and Development (Ss. 377.601-377.712)
377.601 - Legislative intent.
377.6015 - Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services; powers and duties.
377.602 - Definitions.
377.603 - Energy data collection; powers and duties of the department.
377.604 - Required reports.
377.605 - Use of existing information.
377.606 - Records of the department; limits of confidentiality.
377.607 - Violations; penalties.
377.608 - Prosecution of cases by state attorney.
377.701 - Petroleum allocation.
377.703 - Additional functions of the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services.
377.704 - Appropriation of funds from settlement of petroleum overcharge litigation.
377.705 - Solar Energy Center; development of solar energy standards.
377.709 - Funding by electric utilities of local governmental solid waste facilities that generate electricity.
377.71 - Definitions; Southern States Energy Compact.
377.711 - Florida party to Southern States Energy Compact.
377.712 - Florida participation.