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U.S. State Codes
Title XXVI - Public Transpo...
Chapter 348 - Expressway an...
Part I - Greater Miami Expressway Agency (Ss. 3...
Part I - Greater Miami Expressway Agency (Ss. 348.0301-348.0318)
348.0301 - Short title.
348.0302 - Applicability.
348.0303 - Definitions.
348.0304 - Greater Miami Expressway Agency.
348.0305 - Ethics requirements.
348.0306 - Purposes and powers.
348.0307 - Greater Miami Toll Rebate Program.
348.0308 - Public-private partnership.
348.0309 - Bonds.
348.03101 - Department may be appointed agent of agency for construction.
348.0311 - Acquisition of lands and property.
348.0312 - Cooperation with other units, boards, agencies, and individuals.
348.0313 - Covenant of the state.
348.0314 - Exemption from taxation.
348.0315 - Public accountability.
348.0316 - Eligibility for investments and security.
348.0317 - Pledges enforceable by bondholders.
348.0318 - This part complete and additional authority.