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U.S. State Codes
Title XXIX - Public Health
Chapter 403 - Environmental...
Part V - Environmental Regulation (Ss. 403.801-...
Part V - Environmental Regulation (Ss. 403.801-403.8163)
403.801 - Short title.
403.802 - Declaration of policy.
403.803 - Definitions.
403.804 - Environmental Regulation Commission; powers and duties.
403.805 - Secretary; powers and duties; review of specified rules.
403.8051 - Small Business Air Pollution Compliance Advisory Council; members; duties.
403.8052 - Small Business Stationary Air Pollution Source Technical and Environmental Compliance Assistance Program.
403.8055 - Department adoption of federal standards.
403.809 - Environmental districts; establishment; managers; functions.
403.811 - Dredge and fill permits issued pursuant to this chapter and s. 373.414.
403.812 - Dredge and fill permitting in stormwater management systems.
403.813 - Permits issued at district centers; exceptions.
403.8135 - Citation of rule.
403.814 - General permits; delegation.
403.8141 - Special event permits.
403.815 - Public notice; waiver of hearings.
403.816 - Permits for maintenance dredging of deepwater ports and beach restoration projects.
403.8163 - Sites for disposal of spoil from maintenance dredge operations; selection.