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U.S. State Codes
Title XXIX - Public Health
Chapter 395 - Hospital Lice...
Part I - Hospitals and Other Licensed Facilitie...
Part I - Hospitals and Other Licensed Facilities (Ss. 395.001-395.3041)
395.001 - Legislative intent.
395.002 - Definitions.
395.003 - Licensure; denial, suspension, and revocation.
395.004 - Application for license; fees.
395.0056 - Litigation notice requirement.
395.009 - Minimum standards for clinical laboratory test results and diagnostic X-ray results; prerequisite for issuance or renewal of license.
395.0091 - Alternate-site testing.
395.0161 - Licensure inspection.
395.0162 - Inspection reports.
395.0163 - Construction inspections; plan submission and approval; fees.
395.0185 - Rebates prohibited; penalties.
395.0191 - Staff membership and clinical privileges.
395.0192 - Duty to notify physicians.
395.0193 - Licensed facilities; peer review; disciplinary powers; agency or partnership with physicians.
395.0195 - Access of chiropractic physicians to diagnostic reports.
395.0197 - Internal risk management program.
395.1011 - Identification, segregation, and separation of biomedical waste.
395.1012 - Patient safety.
395.1021 - Treatment of sexual assault victims.
395.1023 - Child abuse and neglect cases; duties.
395.1024 - Patients consenting to adoptions; protocols.
395.1025 - Infectious diseases; notification.
395.1027 - Regional poison control centers.
395.1031 - Emergency medical services; communication.
395.1041 - Access to emergency services and care.
395.1051 - Duty to notify patients.
395.1052 - Patient access to primary care and specialty providers; notification.
395.1053 - Postpartum education.
395.1055 - Rules and enforcement.
395.1056 - Plan components addressing a hospital’s response to terrorism; public records exemption; public meetings exemption.
395.106 - Risk pooling by certain hospitals and hospital systems.
395.1065 - Criminal and administrative penalties; moratorium.
395.107 - Facilities; publishing and posting schedule of charges; penalties.
395.10973 - Powers and duties of the agency.
395.2050 - Routine inquiry for organ and tissue donation; certification for procurement activities; death records review.
395.301 - Price transparency; itemized patient statement or bill; patient admission status notification.
395.3015 - Patient records; form and content.
395.302 - Patient records; penalties for alteration.
395.3025 - Patient and personnel records; copies; examination.
395.3035 - Confidentiality of hospital records and meetings.
395.3036 - Confidentiality of records and meetings of entities that lease public hospitals or other public health care facilities.
395.3037 - Definitions.
395.3038 - State-listed stroke centers; notification of hospitals.
395.30381 - Statewide stroke registry.
395.3039 - Advertising restrictions.
395.3041 - Emergency medical services providers; triage and transportation of stroke victims to a stroke center.