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U.S. State Codes
Title XLVIII - K-20 Educati...
Chapter 1012 - Personnel
Part III - Public Schools; ...
Subpart C - Personnel, Instructionaland Noninst...
Subpart C - Personnel, Instructionaland Noninstructional; Authorization;Requirements
1012.35 - Substitute teachers.
1012.36 - Part-time teachers.
1012.37 - Education paraprofessionals.
1012.38 - Education paraprofessional career development.
1012.39 - Employment of substitute teachers, teachers of adult education, nondegreed teachers of career education, and career specialists; students performing clinical field experience.
1012.40 - Educational support employees.
1012.42 - Teacher teaching out-of-field.
1012.43 - Career teachers.
1012.44 - Qualifications for certain persons providing speech-language services.
1012.45 - School bus drivers; requirements and duties.
1012.46 - Athletic trainers.
1012.465 - Background screening requirements for certain noninstructional school district employees and contractors.
1012.467 - Noninstructional contractors who are permitted access to school grounds when students are present; background screening requirements.
1012.468 - Exceptions to certain fingerprinting and criminal history checks.