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U.S. State Codes
Title XLVIII - K-20 Educati...
Chapter 1003 - Public K-12 ...
Part V - Specialized Instruction for Certain Pu...
Part V - Specialized Instruction for Certain Public K-12 Students (Ss. 1003.51-1003.58)
1003.51 - Other public educational services.
1003.52 - Educational services in Department of Juvenile Justice programs.
1003.53 - Dropout prevention and academic intervention.
1003.54 - Teenage parent programs.
1003.55 - Instructional programs for blind or visually impaired students and deaf or hard-of-hearing students.
1003.56 - English language instruction for limited English proficient students.
1003.57 - Exceptional students instruction.
1003.571 - Instruction for exceptional students who have a disability.
1003.5715 - Parental consent; individual education plan.
1003.5716 - Transition to postsecondary education and career opportunities.
1003.572 - Collaboration of public and private instructional personnel.
1003.573 - Use of restraint and seclusion on students with disabilities.
1003.575 - Assistive technology devices; findings; interagency agreements.
1003.576 - Individual education plans for exceptional students.
1003.58 - Students in residential care facilities.