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U.S. State Codes
Title XLVIII - K-20 Educati...
Chapter 1002 - Student and ...
Part VI - School Readiness Program (Ss. 1002.81...
Part VI - School Readiness Program (Ss. 1002.81-1002.995)
1002.81 - Definitions.
1002.82 - Office of Early Learning; powers and duties.
1002.83 - Early learning coalitions.
1002.84 - Early learning coalitions; school readiness powers and duties.
1002.85 - Early learning coalition plans.
1002.86 - School readiness program; education component.
1002.87 - School readiness program; eligibility and enrollment.
1002.88 - School readiness program provider standards; eligibility to deliver the school readiness program.
1002.89 - School readiness program; funding.
1002.895 - Market rate schedule.
1002.91 - Investigations of fraud or overpayment; penalties.
1002.92 - Child care and early childhood resource and referral.
1002.93 - School readiness program transportation services.
1002.94 - Child Care Executive Partnership Program.
1002.95 - Teacher Education and Compensation Helps (TEACH) scholarship program.
1002.96 - Early Head Start collaboration grants.
1002.97 - Records of children in the school readiness program.
1002.995 - Early learning professional development standards and career pathways.