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U.S. State Codes
Title XLVIII - K-20 Educati...
Chapter 1001 - K-20 Governance
Part I - State-Level Govern...
Subpart C - Department of Education
Subpart C - Department of Education
1001.20 - Department under direction of state board.
1001.21 - Office of Private Schools and Home Education Programs.
1001.212 - Office of Safe Schools.
1001.213 - Office of Early Learning.
1001.215 - Just Read, Florida! Office.
1001.22 - Commission for Independent Education.
1001.23 - Specific powers and duties of the Department of Education.
1001.24 - Direct-support organization; use of property; board of directors; audit.
1001.26 - Public broadcasting program system.
1001.271 - Florida Information Resource Network.
1001.28 - Distance learning duties.
1001.281 - Operating Trust Fund.
1001.282 - Administrative Trust Fund.
1001.283 - Welfare Transition Trust Fund.
1001.29 - Discounted computers and Internet access for students.
1001.292 - Schools of Hope Revolving Loan Program.