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U.S. State Codes
Title XLIV - Civil Rights
Chapter 760 - Discriminatio...
Part I - Florida Civil Rights Act (Ss. 760.01-7...
Part I - Florida Civil Rights Act (Ss. 760.01-760.11)
760.01 - Purposes; construction; title.
760.02 - Definitions.
760.021 - Enforcement.
760.03 - Commission on Human Relations; staff.
760.04 - Commission on Human Relations, assigned to Department of Management Services.
760.05 - Functions of the commission.
760.06 - Powers of the commission.
760.065 - Florida Civil Rights Hall of Fame.
760.07 - Remedies for unlawful discrimination.
760.08 - Discrimination in places of public accommodation.
760.10 - Unlawful employment practices.
760.11 - Administrative and civil remedies; construction.