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U.S. State Codes
Title XIV - Taxation and Fi...
Chapter 206 - Motor and Oth...
Part I - Motor Fuels (Ss. 206.01-206.64)
Part I - Motor Fuels (Ss. 206.01-206.64)
206.01 - Definitions.
206.02 - Application for license; temporary license; terminal suppliers, importers, exporters, blenders, biodiesel manufacturers, and wholesalers.
206.021 - Application for license; carriers.
206.022 - Application for license; terminal operators.
206.025 - Application by person whose license has been canceled; procedure.
206.026 - Certain persons prohibited from holding a terminal supplier, importer, exporter, blender, carrier, terminal operator, or wholesaler license; suspension and revocation.
206.0261 - Retaining all or portion of tax reduction amount or interference with tax reduction benefit prohibited.
206.027 - Licenses not assignable.
206.028 - Costs of investigation; department to charge applicants; contracts with private companies authorized.
206.03 - Licensing of terminal suppliers, importers, exporters, and wholesalers.
206.04 - License number and cards; penalties.
206.045 - Licensing period.
206.05 - Bond required of licensed terminal supplier, importer, exporter, or wholesaler.
206.051 - Importer and exporter; credit authorization and bonding requirements.
206.052 - Export of tax-free fuels.
206.054 - Payment of taxes by importers.
206.055 - Departmental powers; cancellation of licenses; surrender of bond; interstate enforcement agreements.
206.06 - Estimate of amount of fuel taxes due and unpaid.
206.07 - Suits for collection of unpaid taxes.
206.075 - Department’s warrant for collection of unpaid taxes.
206.08 - Reports from persons who do not purchase tax-free motor fuel.
206.09 - Reports from carriers transporting motor fuel or similar products.
206.095 - Reports from terminal operators.
206.10 - Reports to be filed whether taxes due or not.
206.11 - Penalties.
206.12 - Retention of records; all persons that purchase, import, export, use, sell, or store motor fuel.
206.13 - Refund or credit of taxes erroneously paid or illegally collected.
206.14 - Inspection of records; audits; hearings; forms; rules and regulations.
206.15 - Fuel taxes a lien on property.
206.16 - Officer selling property.
206.17 - Department to furnish certificates of liens.
206.175 - Foreclosure of liens.
206.18 - Discontinuance or transfer of business; liability of tax, procedure; penalty for violation.
206.199 - Transportation of motor fuel by pipeline or marine vessel.
206.20 - Transportation of motor fuel over public highways.
206.204 - Transportation of motor fuel by boats over the navigable waters of this state.
206.205 - Forfeiture of vehicles and boats illegally transporting or delivering motor fuel.
206.21 - Trial of issues interposed by defense; sale, etc.
206.215 - Costs and expenses of proceedings.
206.22 - Restraining and enjoining violations.
206.23 - Tax; must be stated separately.
206.24 - Department and agents may make arrests, seize property, and execute warrants.
206.25 - Method for collection of tax cumulative.
206.27 - Records and files as public records.
206.28 - Exchange of information among the states.
206.404 - License requirements for retail dealers and resellers; penalty.
206.41 - State taxes imposed on motor fuel.
206.413 - Liability for tax; interstate agreement; penalties.
206.414 - Collection of certain taxes; prohibited credits and refunds.
206.416 - Change in state destination.
206.42 - Aviation gasoline exempt from excise tax; rocket fuel.
206.43 - Terminal supplier, importer, exporter, blender, and wholesaler to report to department monthly; deduction.
206.44 - Penalty and interest for failure to report on time; penalty and interest on tax deficiencies.
206.45 - Payment of tax into State Treasury.
206.46 - State Transportation Trust Fund.
206.47 - Distribution of constitutional fuel tax pursuant to State Constitution.
206.48 - Reports required of terminal suppliers, importers, exporters, blenders, and wholesalers.
206.485 - Tracking system reporting requirements.
206.49 - Invoice to show whether or not tax paid; liability.
206.56 - Unlawful use of tax collected; theft of state funds.
206.59 - Department to make rules; powers.
206.60 - County tax on motor fuel.
206.605 - Municipal tax on motor fuel.
206.606 - Distribution of certain proceeds.
206.608 - State Comprehensive Enhanced Transportation System Tax; deposit of proceeds; distribution.
206.609 - Transfer of funds to the Agricultural Emergency Eradication Trust Fund.
206.61 - Municipal taxes, limited.
206.62 - Certain sales to United States tax-exempt; rules and regulations.
206.625 - Return of tax to municipalities, counties, and school districts.
206.626 - Refunds to ethanol dealers.
206.63 - Definitions; s. 206.64.
206.64 - Refunds on fuel used for agricultural or commercial fishing purposes.