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U.S. State Codes
Title XI - County Organizat...
Chapter 159 - Bond Financing
Part VI - Private Activity Bonds (Ss. 159.801-1...
Part VI - Private Activity Bonds (Ss. 159.801-159.816)
159.801 - Short title.
159.802 - Purpose.
159.803 - Definitions.
159.804 - Allocation of state volume limitation.
159.805 - Procedures for obtaining allocations; requirements; limitations on allocations; issuance reports.
159.806 - Regional allocation pools.
159.807 - State allocation pool.
159.8075 - Qualified mortgage credit certificates.
159.8081 - Manufacturing facility bond pool.
159.8083 - Florida First Business allocation pool.
159.809 - Recapture of unused amounts.
159.81 - Unused allocations; carryforwards.
159.8105 - Allocation of bonds for water and wastewater infrastructure projects.
159.811 - Fees; trust fund.
159.812 - Grandfather clause.
159.813 - Future federal amendments.
159.814 - Form of applications for allocations; requirements.
159.815 - Rules.
159.816 - Certificate as to state volume limitation.