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U.S. State Codes
Title XI - County Organizat...
Chapter 159 - Bond Financing
Part V - Research and Development Authorities (...
Part V - Research and Development Authorities (Ss. 159.701-159.7095)
159.701 - Purposes.
159.702 - Definitions.
159.703 - Creation of research and development authorities.
159.704 - Designation by Board of Governors of the State University System; procedure.
159.705 - Powers of the authority.
159.7055 - Authority reporting requirement.
159.706 - Grandfather clause.
159.707 - Credit of state or political subdivision not pledged.
159.708 - Tax exemption.
159.709 - Powers of ss. 159.701-159.7095 supplemental.
159.7095 - Issuance of bonds.