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U.S. State Codes
Title XI - County Organizat...
Chapter 125 - County Govern...
Part II - Self-Government (Ss. 125.60-125.69)
Part II - Self-Government (Ss. 125.60-125.69)
125.60 - Adoption of county charter.
125.61 - Charter commission.
125.62 - Charter commission; organization.
125.63 - Proposal of county charter.
125.64 - Adoption of charter; dissolution of commission.
125.66 - Ordinances; enactment procedure; emergency ordinances; rezoning or change of land use ordinances or resolutions.
125.67 - Limitation on subject and matter embraced in ordinances; amendments; enacting clause.
125.68 - Codification of ordinances; exceptions; public record.
125.69 - Penalties; enforcement by code inspectors.