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U.S. State Codes
Title 47 - Taxation, Licens...
Chapter 19 - Inheritance an...
Subchapter II - Estate Tax.
Subchapter II - Estate Tax.
§ 47–1911. Imposition of tax; additional levy on transfers [Repealed]
§ 47–1912. Credits; restriction [Repealed]
§ 47–1913. Tax not to exceed difference between maximum credit and levy by states [Repealed]
§ 47–1914. Benefits to District [Repealed]
§ 47–1915. Tax on transfer of nonresidents’ real and personal property [Repealed]
§ 47–1916. Executor to file copy of federal return with Assessor [Repealed]
§ 47–1917. Assessment on basis of return [Repealed]
§ 47–1918. Tax payable within 17 months [Repealed]