(Mar. 20, 1998, D.C. Law 12-60, § 1402, 44 DCR 7378.)
1981 Ed., § 31-2521.
For temporary addition of subchapter II, see §§ 1401 to 1406 of the Fiscal Year 1998 Revised Budget Support Emergency Act of 1997 (D.C. Act 12-152, October 17, 1997, 44 DCR 6196); and see §§ 1401 to 1406 of the Fiscal Year 1998 Revised Budget Support Congressional Review Emergency Act of 1997 (D.C. Act 12-239, January 13, 1998, 45 DCR 508).
Section 2002 of D.C. Act 12-152 provided for the application of the act.
Sections 1401 to 1406 of D.C. Law 12-59 enacted §§ 31-2521 to 31-2525, comprising subchapter II of Chapter 25 of Title 31 1981 Ed. .
Section 2001(b) of D.C. Law 12-59 provided that the act shall expire after 225 days of its having taken effect.
21st Century Public School Information Technology Program Act of 1997: Section 1401 of D.C. Law 12-60 provided that title XIV of the act may be cited as the “21st Century Public School Information Technology Program Act of 1997.”
Editor’s Note Section 1406 of D.C. Law 12-60 provided that this chapter shall expire in 4 years after March 20, 1998. Sections 38-2201 to 38-2205 expired effective March 21, 2002.