Whenever the Chief of Police of the Metropolitan Police Department, or his or her duly authorized agent, determines that there is or may be a need for controlling the movement of persons attending events being held at the Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Stadium, the Baseball Stadium, the Soccer Stadium, or the District of Columbia National Guard Armory, he or she may establish barriers or restricted zones, as he or she considers necessary, for the purpose of affording a clearing for:
(1) The operation of firemen or policemen;
(2) The movement of traffic;
(3) The exclusion of the public from the vicinity of a riot, disorderly gathering, accident, wreck, explosion, or other emergency; or
(4) The safety and protection of persons and property.
(Nov. 3, 1977, D.C. Law 2-37, § 4, 24 DCR 4058; June 5, 2008, D.C. Law 17-169, § 2(b), 55 DCR 5183; Mar. 11, 2015, D.C. Law 20-233, § 201(b), 62 DCR 438.)
1981 Ed., § 2-343.
1973 Ed., § 2-1743.
D.C. Law 17-169, in subsec. (a), inserted “the Baseball Stadium,” following “Stadium”.
The 2015 amendment by D.C. Law 20-233 would have added “the Soccer Stadium” in the introductory paragraph.
Section 7010 of D.C. Law 22-33 repealed § 301 of D.C. Law 20-233. Therefore the amendment to this section by D.C. Law 20-233 has been implemented.
Applicability of D.C. Law 20-233: Section 301 of D.C. Law 20-233 provided (1) that the act shall apply upon the date of inclusions of its fiscal effect in an approved budget and financial plan; (2) that the Chief Financial Officer shall certify the date of the inclusion of the fiscal effect in an approved budget and financial plan, and provide notice to the Budget Director of the Council of the certification; and (3) that the Budget Director shall cause the notice of the certification to be published in the District of Columbia Register and that the date of publication of the notice of the certification shall not affect the applicability of the act.
For temporary (90 days) repeal of § 301 of D.C. Law 20-233, see § 7010 of Fiscal Year 2018 Budget Support Congressional Review Emergency Act of 2017 (D.C. Act 22-167, Oct. 24, 2017, 64 DCR 10802).
For temporary (90 days) repeal of § 301 of D.C. Law 20-233, see § 7010 of Fiscal Year 2018 Budget Support Emergency Act of 2017 (D.C. Act 22-104, July 20, 2017, 64 DCR 7032).
For temporary (90 day) amendment of section, see § 2(b) of Ballpark Public Safety Emergency Amendment Act of 2008 (D.C. Act 17-316, March 19, 2008, 55 DCR 3412).
For temporary (90 days) amendment of this section, see § 201(b) of the Soccer Stadium Development Emergency Amendment Act of 2014 (D.C. Act 20-557, Dec. 30, 2014, 62 DCR 448, 20 STAT 4467).
See note to § 3-341.
Effect of dissolution of Sports Commission: See note to § 3-321.
Construction of Law 10-152: See note to § 3-321.