As used in this chapter, unless the same shall be inconsistent with the context:
(1) “Commission” means “County Planning and Zoning Commission of Sussex County” created by this chapter.
(2) “County Engineer” means “County Engineer of Sussex County.”
(3) “County government” means “the county governing body of Sussex County.”
(4) “District” means “corporate boundaries of Sussex County including municipalities which choose to be included in the planning and zoning district.”
(5) “Highway Department” means “Department of Transportation of the State of Delaware.”
(6) “Plan” means “comprehensive development plan of the district.”
(7) “Recorder’s office” means “Recorder of Deeds in and for Sussex County.”
(8) “Road” includes any “road,” “street,” “highway,” “freeway,” “parkway,” or other public thoroughfare.
9 Del. C. 1953, § 6801; 56 Del. Laws, c. 95; 57 Del. Laws, c. 762, § 11A; 60 Del. Laws, c. 503, § 22.