(a) Prior to the entry of any officers of the County upon the duties of their offices, the Office of Law shall procure at the expense of the County, corporate surety bonds, conditioned for the faithful performance of their respective duties in such penal sums as shall be fixed by the County Council, but the amount shall not in any case be less than $15,000.
(b) Within 6 months of the organization of the Office of Law, the County Attorney shall recommend through the County Executive to the County Council, the amounts in which fidelity bonds shall be procured for the faithful performance of duties of all officers and employees of the County Council, either generally or by categories. In the performance of this responsibility, the Office of Law may recommend blanket bonds covering individual fidelity or may recommend comprehensive coverage for all, or for groups of employees, on an occurrence basis.
9 Del. C. 1953, § 1181; 55 Del. Laws, c. 85, § 1; 71 Del. Laws, c. 401, §§ 15, 58.