The bond referred to in this chapter shall be executed by the applicant and by a surety company authorized and qualified to do business in this State as surety in favor of the Secretary in his official capacity for the benefit of all producers with whom the applicant shall transact business, for the period that the license is in force. Such bond shall be upon a form prescribed or approved by the Department and shall be conditioned to secure the faithful accounting for payment to producers, agents or representatives, of all agricultural products purchased, handled or sold by the dealer. Any producer claiming to be injured by the nonpayment, fraud, deceit or negligence of any dealer may bring action therefor upon the bond against the principal or the surety, or both, by the filing of a verified complaint. Such verified complaint shall be upon a form prescribed or approved by the Secretary.
3 Del. C. 1953, § 2505; 56 Del. Laws, c. 456, § 1; 57 Del. Laws, c. 764, § 11; 58 Del. Laws, c. 557, § 3; 65 Del. Laws, c. 116, § 1.