An applicator’s certification shall automatically renew under the classification or subclassification for which such applicator is certified; provided, however, reexamination may be required by the Department:
(1) Of any applicator whose certification, license or permit has been suspended, revoked or modified;
(2) At any time if significant technological developments have occurred to require additional knowledge related to the classifications or subclassifications for which the applicator has been certified, and to assure a continuing level of competence and ability to use pesticides safely and properly; or
(3) When required by additional standards established by the E.P.A.
Such reexamination or special examination requirements may be waived by the Department when the applicator can furnish satisfactory evidence of completion of educational courses, programs or seminars approved by the Department relating to the applicator’s certification.
60 Del. Laws, c. 671, § 1.