The Child Advocate shall perform the following duties:
(1) Take all possible actions, including programs of public education and legislative advocacy, to secure and ensure the legal, civil, and special rights of the children.
(2) Review periodically relevant policies and procedures with a view toward the rights of children.
(3) Refer any person making a complaint or report required by Chapter 9 of Title 16 to the Division of Family Services, and, if warranted, to an appropriate police agency. If a complaint or report includes an allegation of misconduct against a Department employee, the complaint or report must also be referred to the Secretary of the Department.
(4) Recommend changes in the procedures for investigating and overseeing the welfare of children.
(5) Make the public aware of the services of the Office and the Commission, its purpose, and how it can be contacted.
(6) Apply for and accept grants, gifts, and bequests of funds from other state, federal, and interstate agencies, as well as from private firms, individuals, and foundations, for the purpose of carrying out the Office’s and the Commission’s lawful responsibilities. The funds must be deposited with the State Treasurer in a restricted receipt account established to permit funds to be expended in accordance with the provision of the grant, gift, or bequest.
(7) Examine policies and procedures and evaluate the effectiveness of the child protection system, specifically the respective roles of the Division, the Attorney General’s Office, the courts, the medical community, and law-enforcement agencies.
(8) Review and make recommendations concerning investigative procedures and emergency responses pursuant to this chapter.
(9) Develop and provide quality training to Division staff, Deputy Attorneys General, law-enforcement officers, the medical community, family court personnel, Court Appointed Special Advocate volunteers, educators, day care providers, and others on the various standards, criteria, and investigative technology used in these cases.
(10) Develop and administer programs to ensure the legal representation of children in this State, which includes the Court Appointed Special Advocate Program.
(11) Submit an annual report analyzing the work of the Office that may be included in the Commission’s annual report, or submitted separately.
(12) Serve as the Executive Director of the Commission.
(13) Provide staff support to the Commission, including assisting the Commission, its committees, and panels in investigating and reviewing the deaths or near deaths of abused or neglected children.
(14) Hire employees or contract for services as necessary to assist the Commission, its committees, and panels in investigating and reviewing the deaths or near deaths of abused or neglected children and performing its other duties under subchapter III, Chapter 9 of Title 16, within the limitations of funds appropriated by the General Assembly or obtained from other sources.
(15) Hire the Investigation Coordinator and staff to assist the Investigation Coordinator in accomplishing the duties assigned in § 906 of Title 16, including contracts for services as necessary to accomplish its goals.
(16) Take whatever other actions are necessary to help the Commission accomplish its goals.
72 Del. Laws, c. 167, § 2; 80 Del. Laws, c. 187, § 15; 80 Del. Laws, c. 219, § 2; 80 Del. Laws, c. 417, § 3; 81 Del. Laws, c. 143, § 6.