(a) Each bill, resolution or other legislative matter assigned to a standing committee shall pass through a prescribed deliberative process before being brought to the floor of either House, unless it is sooner petitioned out of committee. Such deliberative process shall include regularly scheduled preannounced meetings whereby the committee receives testimony from the general public, including those affected by the proposed legislation; considers an analysis of the proposed legislation; and by notice to the sponsor, makes time available for each formal sponsor to explain the legislation and answer possible committee questions.
(b) Each Thursday each standing committee shall release a committee agenda which shall include, among other things, all matters to be considered by the committee at its next meeting; a listing of all bills being held in committee; and any other announcements from the committee including the times, places and dates of future meetings.
(c) Minutes shall be taken at each formal standing committee meeting, and the results of any committee votes shall be recorded. Committee members who dissent from any committee decision shall be permitted, in the minutes, to state such dissent and the reasons therefor.
61 Del. Laws, c. 420, § 1.